Transition Early Warning System QuizStep 1 of 911%Do you have a growing sense of deep dissatisfaction? The pleasure you once took from your job, friendships or where you live has dwindled, and you now feel restless.* Yes NoDo you feel displaced, even though nothing major in your life has changed? You don’t feel you belong where you are now like you did in the past.* Yes NoHave you had key relationships and support systems removed from you? These relationships and support systems provided resources or enabled you to be productive, express your gifting and experience fulfillment.* Yes NoHas your vision for the future dimmed? You can’t see as far ahead as you once did. You don’t have clarity on your direction, and your confidence has decreased.* Yes NoHas your passion and motivation for your work/ministry declined? You just can’t get motivated like you should.* Yes NoDid the complexity in your life increase, and you’re having trouble sorting it all out? The impact of these changes around you have produced elevated anxiety levels, and you battle fear as never before.* Yes NoHave you felt uncertain, like you’re suspended between your recent past and your future? It feels like you are “on hold.” The longer you are “on hold” the more your frustration is building.* Yes NoHave your efforts and work yielded diminished results? What worked well in the past doesn’t work anymore.* Yes NoI'm tallying your results.Please enter your email address to get your quiz results. You can unsubscribe from my emails anytime.First Name* First Name Email* EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.